Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Define "Ridiculous"

I don't know, a man signing the mortgage to a house he can't afford, and then sitting in that house cursing the main street/wall street distinction, completely blind to the fact that wall street with its fancy SECURITIZATONS and TOXIC ASSETS is the only reason he has his house to begin with. Main street/wall street = nice house/cardboard box on the street. You ever think he asks why the assets are toxic? Leave it to the pros, chief, all you need to do is get a job and make your payments.
The funniest part of it all though, is this stimulus package. We have the government catering to the people and a populace listening to the government. Does anyone understand though? I mean, isn't it true that the politicians want credit from the people who don't understand the economy at all for fixing it? But, isn't it also obvious that they're just taking shots throwing darts at a board? I don't know, if we throw enough darts, I mean money, at the problem it's bound to get fixed....That's how I would define RIDICULOUS...

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