The last 25 to 30 years have set up an interesting paradigm on the business landscape. More is always better. More is always desired. If you were an advertiser, you needed to get people to spend more money on, well, basically everything. If you were the government, you incentivized a collective environment that encouraged ever greater levels of spending and consumption, and, eventually risk-taking. If you were the financial industry, you wanted to create more products to sell to more levels of society to create more returns...and also to borrow ever greater amounts of money. And, finally, the consumer. More features, more technology, more loans, more credit...more, more, more.
Efficiency. Productivity. All of those words will be key, and can be seen as already being key. Over the past 6-months, companies have beat their projected earnings in record fashion. Interesting...considering we are in one of the worst economic downturns since the great depression. Some might say that it wouldn't make sense that companies should be beating analyst expectations in this fashion, but, accounting trickery aside, they're doing it by generating the same or similar top lines with less inputs and costs. Less employees, less materials...LESS in fact leading to more. It will never be detrimental to consider resource uses with a consistent focus on how to make sure things are being done in the best and most efficient way possible.
In fact, going GREEN and considering these types of ideas in the normal course of business activity has actually been proven to be more beneficial than most might think...
In fact, going GREEN and considering these types of ideas in the normal course of business activity has actually been proven to be more beneficial than most might think...
GREEN OIL: Bio-fuels are one of those "next big things." Everyone has seen the funny ads with the socially and environmentally conscious individuals traversing the country with a peace-corps like zeal and dedication on nothing more than fuel made from vegetables. Completely sustainable "green crude." What if algae was able to be created and developed so that the harvesting process for this fuel could be completely streamlined and more of it could be more efficiently produced? Synthetic Genomics, led by J. Craig Venter, and Sapphire Energy, backed by Bill Gates, are engineering algae currently. Their goal is to come up with a sustainable substitute for gasoline, jet fuel, and even diesel.
Once the idea of EXTRA COST and FINANCIAL
TRADEOFFS are tackled, sustainability is realized to be essentially one of the biggest current catalysts of organizational and technological innovation. Immediately, some of the most logical cost savings comes from using less inputs, some of the increased revenues come from better products, and some of the best ideas come from new business entrepreneurship. The smart way to think of environmental preservation is not as an increased cost, but instead as innovation's new frontier. The time is now, as it's never too soon to take up the charge and secure invaluable first-mover advantages. There are always going to be a plethora of opinions about public policies and best practices...and it's a safe bet that there will come a time again when people think less about saving for tomorrow and focus on consuming for today. One thing will be certain, however, and that is the fact that practicing economically sound innovations with a focus on preservation of the environment will not be going out of style any time soon. In some ways, LESS will always lead to MORE.
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